Getting Started

The importer provides a single script: searcch-importer. If you run:

searcch-importer -h

you will see a list of available subcommands:

usage: searcch-importer [-h] [-d] [-c CONFIG_FILE]

positional arguments:
    artifact.delete     Delete an artifact.
    artifact.export     Export an artifact. Must be published.
    artifact.import     Import an artifact from a URL.
    artifact.list       List artifacts matching filter parameters.
    artifact.publish    Publish an artifact.       Show artifact details.
    metadata.add        Add a metadata pair to an unpublished artifact (adds a
                        new curation).
    metadata.delete     Deletes a metadata pair from an unpublished artifact
                        (adds a new curation).
    tag.add             Add a tag to an unpublished artifact (adds a new
    tag.delete          Deletes a tag from an unpublished artifact (adds a new

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging log level
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to config file

If you run a subcommand (e.g. searcch-importer artifact.list -h), you will see subcommand-specific help.

Importing an artifact

You can import an artifact like this:

searcch-importer artifact.import -u

Viewing imported artifacts

You can list imported artifacts like this:

searcch-importer artifact.list

You can view details (recursively) of an imported artifact like this (assuming you’ve imported and not deleted an artifact with id 1:

searcch-importer -i 1